Archive | February, 2011

Life is fragile

5 Feb

We often underestimate how fragile life really is. We are so caught up in our daily routines that we forget to stop and look around. In an instant life as we know it can change, and it only takes a simple event to shake up our lives for the better or worse. There is no way for us to know what comes next, but all we can do is take life as it comes and appreciate it as it is. Enjoy each and every moment and each and every person that comes across your path.

So many people enter and leave our lives, but often we are too caught up in other distractions to truly value and learn from another person. We have to appreciate those who have come into our lives because whether we admit it or not, they have helped form is into who we are today. A person teaches you more about yourself if you let them, they will either show you what you need in your life or what you don’t. It’s up to you to take the lesson and grow from it.

Being angry or resentful at a person is a waste. A waste of your own precious time and energy that could be used for something so much better. Never let your heart grow cold because of what another or what life has done to you. Move on but never forget. Even bad things come for good reasons.